> % I think it has been mentioned before but not sure... I can see two
> % behind me. This is when I'm hosting with my cable modem. I haven't
been in a
> % situation with two cars behind me while as a client, so I can't comment
on that.
> % As I said, I think it's been mentioned before that you can see more
behind you
> % with the faster modems such as a cable.
> I think the number of cars is controlled by the packet size (core.ini
> 3/84). As host you should have all the information and you should be
> able to see all the cars in your mirrors. Though the number of cars
> seen as host maybe tied to upload/download capacity and therefore tied
> to the speed of the connection to the Internet.
> For more information on this check out
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
size (84 => 4 ahead and 1 behind).
When the car behind you is passed by another car, there will be 2 cars
visible behind for about one second. The display of the second car behind is
based purely on prediction by the client in that case, as the server stops
sending the second car's data as soon as it is passed.
The server always sees all cars. I'll make that explicit when I have time to
redo the page.
Bart Westra