I do I am also fairly slow, 1:31.xx at Monza. The most frustrating thing
is getting those horrible slippery starts and first couple of turns
under my belt as the AI cars simply drive away. I am left alone to drive
at my unremarkable pace with no traffic or much to do but limp in with
my 9th or 10th place finish ( out of 9 or 10 cars). I know the challenge
is to race and beat the best but I found that my temperament hates to
lose over and over with the little improvement in my racing.
I downloaded AI Tweaks from http://www.racesimcentral.net/
is so cool to be able to race with someone. I think this ground has been
covered over and over again and I know the veterans may scoff at the
idea of slowing the AI but for the newer racers who have a similar
temperament to mine it is the greatest. I adjusted the AI to be just a
little slower than my best time. It doesn't push you to go ever faster
as it could with the times set a little faster, but the slower settings
let you practice passing in traffic which invaluable.
I don't plan to keep the AI slower forever and will boost J Clark's time
slowly till I can't keep up again, but for now it is a refreshing break
and I highly recommend it to the newer drivers.
Happy New Year All.