wanted to see if anyone else has seen it.
Regularly AI drivers on the first dropping of the green flag are
cutting hard left down into the grass and then driving through the
infield into the first turn. Usually about 3 drivers do it, in the
back. Often they are a row or two behind me. On one occasion the guy
to the outside of me did it and ran into me, driving me into the
infield. If 3 drivers do it, they move together like synchronized
swimmers (i.e. they are not trying to avoid each other, but rather all
seem to be taking an "alternative line" {if you can call it that}).
Anybody else see this?
I have a new PC; P4 1.7 Ghz, 512 MB RAM. Part of me wonders if this
is a bug caused by the chip being too fast, only because the original
DOS Red Baron used to exhibit similar pilot weirdness when you ran it
on a Pentium chip. Otherwise I'm wondering why nobody has mentioned
and why it hasn't been fixed in a patch...
I've definitely seen this happen at Daytona; not sure about other