noises). I won't buy another DTR/DTRSC/LF clone until it's up to date.
I played DTR for days. DTRSC for about 30mins and LeadFoot for about
10mins. Umm. I see a pattern :(
Use the "-3dsound" command line option when running any of their games
to try it out.
> > Not that rare I have known quite a few set ups that would only run in
> > software mode, including mine. I will say that I did get it to run in d3d
> > after returning my clock settings back to standard instead of the
> > overclocked state I was use to running in Win98SE. So far nobody has been
> > able to give me a good reason why all the Ratbag titles would run in D3D
> > with an overclocked CPU in win98se but not in ME. Only Ratbag games were
> > effected this way Papy, ISI, etc all ran fine overclocked in ME. BTW
> that
> > post from Saxon was in reply to me when I was trying to get them running.
> > MadDAWG
> I don't overclock anything in my system. I also have triple the cooling
> capacity in the case as of today. leadfoot jammed solid on the startline in
> D3D, I'd at least get a couple of laps in DTRSC before freezing ;o)
> Ratbag games worked ok in D3D with my elsa erazor III TNT2m64 card, but
> freeze up with my Hercules Prophet 2 MX (with added cooling fan). I'm not
> going back to the TNT2 and missing out on frames/sec in N4 and GPL though,
> so I race software mode DTRSC and don't buy ratbag games. simple really :D
> cheers
> John
Jason Monds - Pro Racing Club! (N4, GPL, Fun Run Sims) - Race hosting.
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)