start running this track until N4 and when I got a wheel..
The method I use for learning a road course is driving around it in
2nd gear and learning each turn one at a time.. Getting the Turn
In/Apex/Track Out points right.. then getting the gearing correct.
One turn at a time is the best method for me... putter around in 2nd
then approach a turn at moderate speeds,,, then drop to 2nd putter
around,, hit that same turn again at moderate speeds.. Once I get this
turn down,, then I pick another,, then another.. Once complete I put
the puzzle together,, then start tweaking the Turn In/Apex/Track Out
points,, then work on speed.. Getting out of the turns fast... etc..
I'm sure like most,, I find the helocam helpful during replays to make
sure I'm hitting the turns right and using all the track when exiting
and entering a turn...
Hey try this,, run the GT Mod V3.0 for a week then come back to Cup
cars,, you won't complain about grip anymore more,, lol
PS: SCGT is a blast I remember running that sim a ton back in the
day.. thsoe cars are much more nimble then Cup cars... for it always
takes a while to adjust to the differences..