Depends on what you feel comfortable with?
Some people have responded to this message saying wheel and pedals are
best, you will improve enjoyment of the game, etc. However, some people
simply cannot get on using wheel and pedal set-ups!!!
I use both, a T2 and the keyboard, I am by no means the best driver in
the world, but my laptimes are respectable, and I find I am quicker with
the keyboard than the wheel and pedal combo?
If you check out the web sites for hotlaps and set-ups, you will notice
that some of the fastest guys out there use the keyboard.
So you cannot dismiss using the keyboard, if you find you are quicker
with keys, stick with them, if not, try a wheel or joystick.
I would also advise you to try out different wheel and pedal sets before
buying, there are a few available now, and you may like one, but not
another, so try before you buy!!!
My personal preferences for wheel and pedal sets are this....
If your on a budget, get a T2, it feels good and will last for a while,
(not too much plastic) expect the springs and pots to go, but
Thrustmaster after sales service is legendary, and theres no problems in
getting spares.
If you can afford it, go for a "quality" wheel and pedal set-up, I am
saving for a GP500 (now called the F1 Sim), I have used one and they are
the absolute dogs b*ll*cks!!! Best quality you can get?
Stay away from the Mad Katz, G-force Yoke, Per4ormer, etc, they are cheap
and ***.
This really is one area where you get what you pay for.
#:~> **Peter**