Depends, some Intel cpu's have been doctored by Intel so you cannot
o/c them? Likewise some m/b's are better at o/c'ing than others? But
you can still try it and see? the worst that will happen is that it
will not work.
You really need a m/b manual to see what your m/b can and cannot do?
try changing the multiplier and/or the bus speed and see what happens?
225MHz will almost certainly be faster than 233MHz, and you may get up
to 3.5 x 75 = 262MHz.
The Monitor refresh rate has nothing to do with o/c your pc, it is
merely the rate that the screen refresh is set to, and can be changed
to many settings, BTW, 60 is a bit low, usually 75 or over is
recommended? or some people can see the screen refreshing at that
By Increasing your bus speed you are increasing the video bus speed
slightly (cos it runs at *half* the m/b bus speed - so at 66MHz the
video bus runs at 33MHz, but at 75 it runs at 37.5MHz) But this
usually isn't a problem, and doesn't affect the monitor refresh rate.
The main problem with o/c'ing is heat, cos all the components are
running faster they get hotter? so check the heat before you start,
and then again after you have made the cahnges, As a guide (very rough
guide I grant you!) If I cannot hold my hand on the cpu/heatsink while
it is running, then it too hot. Usually if you suffer crashes or
system hangs after o/c'ing it is cos its too hot, so try using a
slightly slower setting?
Also just try to increase the buspeed and cpu by one speed increase at
a time, do not try and run it at 300 straight away or you may fry your
pc internals? increase the muliplier and bus one click at a time and
see what happens?
NB: I accept no responsibility if it all goes wrong, it *is* a risk to
take, don't do it unless you can afford to replace it.....
*Peter* 8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)