I would agree with the people who have said GPL is too hard. I have been
able to be competitive at every racing game I have played, I can do ok at
GPL but the time spent finding good set ups and learning each car and track
is just too time consuming. I have a hard time believing anyone out there
who says that they can be competitive at this game with little practice. It
takes hours just to get one track/car combination to work competitively at a
track. I personally dont have that much time. Even F1RS is much easier to
learn and become competitive. They should have put a control for Computer AI
like Nascar has, a highly adjustable control so everyone out there can enjoy
fighting it out at their own level. That way we wouldnt even be having this
discussion and the reviews would be more favorable and people could be
having FUN quicker and for a longer time.
>>I figured I will start a new thread with my responce.
>Here's my responSe to your 'responce'.
>>1. I AM a good race driver. I can win at any track in N2,Viper,SODA, or
>>Burnout with100% difficulty.
>The incredible variety of different track configurations in Burnout makes
>that really impressive (snicker)
>>You, see, I HAVE A LIFE!
>You see, so do I. I own a business and work 9 1/2 hours a day, I am also
>married and I have a 17 month old daughter and 3 dogs. They all get all the
>attention they should get. I do all the cooking at my house and anything
>else that needs to be done around here or on the four cars we own. I don't
>have a lot of spare time, and I don't spend all of my spare time practicing
>GPL, either.
>>I do not feel like sitting around for hours just to
>>get the car to go one lap without spinning.
>I spun out on the first lap I took in GPL and I spin out now and then these
>days when I am getting overzealous. It didn't take me weeks, days or even
>hours to be able to drive GPL successfully.
>>The point is it is a GAME people.
>>The point of a game is to be fun, entertaining. GPL is most definatly
>>fun. I prefer games such as N2 where you can be competitive fairly
>Actually, it is a simulator, not a game. I have a load of FUN doing it or
>wouldn't do it. GPL is lots of FUN. *YOU* don't have any fun with it.
>>Also,v ery weak manual.
>I wouldn't know, I haven't even opened either of the books that came with
>it. Actually, that's not true. I opened one to stick the other inside it
>so they wouldnt get separated.
>My point is that just because YOU can't drive a lap in GPL without spinning
>doesn't mean the sim is too hard or that there is anything inherently wrong
>with it..it means YOU can't drive it well enough to complete a lap. I am
>not obsessed with the sim, I don't spend hours practicing it and I have a
>very busy and full life, yet I can complete laps with no problems and even
>finish in the top 10 in some races. It's the exact same sim you are trying
>to drive, how come I can do it and you can't? I don't think it's the sim's
>fault :o)
>"religion is remedial spirituality"
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