Here's my responSe to your 'responce'.
The incredible variety of different track configurations in Burnout makes
that really impressive (snicker)
You see, so do I. I own a business and work 9 1/2 hours a day, I am also
married and I have a 17 month old daughter and 3 dogs. They all get all the
attention they should get. I do all the cooking at my house and anything
else that needs to be done around here or on the four cars we own. I don't
have a lot of spare time, and I don't spend all of my spare time practicing
GPL, either.
I spun out on the first lap I took in GPL and I spin out now and then these
days when I am getting overzealous. It didn't take me weeks, days or even
hours to be able to drive GPL successfully.
Actually, it is a simulator, not a game. I have a load of FUN doing it or I
wouldn't do it. GPL is lots of FUN. *YOU* don't have any fun with it.
I wouldn't know, I haven't even opened either of the books that came with
it. Actually, that's not true. I opened one to stick the other inside it
so they wouldnt get separated.
My point is that just because YOU can't drive a lap in GPL without spinning
doesn't mean the sim is too hard or that there is anything inherently wrong
with means YOU can't drive it well enough to complete a lap. I am
not obsessed with the sim, I don't spend hours practicing it and I have a
very busy and full life, yet I can complete laps with no problems and even
finish in the top 10 in some races. It's the exact same sim you are trying
to drive, how come I can do it and you can't? I don't think it's the sim's
fault :o)
"religion is remedial spirituality"
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