The scary thing is, this does even make sense....
>Pinch the nose right
>Bring the nose left
>Drift right
>Bring nose s l o w l y right
>Head to the left verge
>Braking zone coming
>Nuts, I'm outa cat food
>Made it
>Go go go go
>Look at shifter location
>Downshift again
>Damn cat
>Bear right
>Start turn-in left
>Keep turn gentle
>Save speed
>Cat can starve
>Braking area just
>Tuck nose inside of line
>Gas and Steer
>Come straight
>Hard gas
>Turn left
>Stay left of dip
>Set alarm for five or five -fif***?
>AH ***
>not again...
>Am I ever gonna stop
>Yeah yeah I know
>I'm *trying* to stop!
>Come on
>Gawd finally
>Stupid game
>Just one more lap