the Roberto Morenos from the Paul Traceys in real life. Both are great
drivers, but guys like Tracey seem to give in to the adrenalin rush,
which often results in broken hardware and unfinished races.
What I do to overcome this (sometimes successfully, usually not) is to
try to imagine that my own hide is on the line, and my own hardware is
at risk. If you run the risk of damage or injury in real life, you're
going to be a bit more wary near the limit, and a bit more focused
overall. I drive this way online, too, and I've been playing DTR quite
a bit lately, and it continually amazes me how some folks will bulldoze
their way through to a fast lap with complete disregard for simulated
life, limb, and hardware. In real life, bonehead moves like that mean
you won't finish the race, and that's what I try to keep in mind,
regardless of whether I'm racing offline or online.
Interestingly, I did a one-day driving school in October for real, and
during my first on-track session, I spent a lot of time reminding
myself that the hardware WAS real, and that my own life was at risk,
just to make sure I didn't laps into the sim racing "head thing" at the
wrong moment. Once I got myself firmly-grounded, my second on-track
session was MUCH smoother, and I gained ground faster than a lot of
guys after that.
-- JB
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