You really are an extremely rude and arrogant individual, aren't you?
Do you gain some sense of superiority in being able to denigrate people,
whom you have never met, from a position of remote anonymity?
You are a rather sad person. I sympathise with your parents.
> Well you win the award for pointless post of the day.
> Publishers post dates so that people are prepared for the release and
> know when to go into stores to get their game. More importantly for most
> publishers and developers it means the magazines and retail can get their
> acts together. Can you imagine releasing a game without anyone knowing it
> was out? I shudder to think how poorly it'd do.
> It seems publishers can't win. They give a quarter and people say "That's
> not accurate enough, they're obviously gonna slip a lot and are using
> this to cover" and if they give a date and miss it by *two* days (so far)
> they get meaningless drivel like this.
> Why don't you adopt the form of not looking at release dates and being
> surprised when games are released or just playing the sims you have and
> picking up the new ones whenever.
> M
> >I quote (from Hasbro/Micropros)
> >"You will be able to download the Spirit of Speed 1937 playable demo
> >from here by 20th October 1999."
> >See it for yourself at Select the
> >"Demo" link.
> >My thoughts are, this is a pretty bold statement, and one that has made
> >them not look good because they missed the date. Why do we have to go
> >through this with every SIM that comes out. I'd like to think that
> >developers are smarter than this (because I am one).
> >How about this instead: "You will be able to download the Spirit of
> >Speed 1937 playable demo from here some time in the last quarter of
> >1999."
> >At least then if they target for the beginning of the Quarter (Oct 1)
> >then they have themselves a 3 month buffer, and we (the SIM Community)
> >don't expect to see it until December, and when it actuall arrives on
> >the shelf some time in November, everyone's happy.
> >And who ever decided that a release date should be published. Wouldn't
> >it be nice if one day we just walked into the local software store and
> >went "Hey... Spirit of Speed 1937... What's this?". I know... the
> >anticipation of it coming is part of the hype.
> >Just me thinking out loud..
> >Dean
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