So .... can we now readily use the 'Scurlock Handicapping System' ?????
> >>>> You sum up your best times from your Best Laps page, for the eleven
> >>>original tracks, and subtract it from the standard (25:20.19)
> >I made this 25:20.22, which is odd, but 0.03 isn't going to hurt
> >anyone.
> For even greater accuracy I took the lap times from SpyGirl, which gives
> to the 1/1000 of a second, and they add up to 25:20.218, which I think we
> should round off to 25:20.22
> >I would suggest a contribution of no more than 20 seconds (or pick a
> >number) from each track, which would prevent the Nuerburg^W^W any one
> >track skewing the value too far.
> I've got a better suggestion, practice ;)
> A few people have made your suggestion and I disagree. If your really slow
at a
> particular track it SHOULD skew the number. The idea is to show overall
> competency. The Nurburgring IS a part of gpl, a BIG part, and should have
a big
> influence on the number.
> Look at it this way. Someone once suggested it would be neat to connect
all the
> tracks together, end to end somehow, to get one really long track. Well
> what we have, one really long track that has a lap time of 25:20.22
> What's your lap time on this track? Don't try to cut it up into sections
> have varying significance.
> Don Scurlock
> Vancouver,B.C.