I would like to issue the very last call for signatures in order
to support the Grand Prix Legends Linux Port petition. My goal
is 200 sigs, and we're only like 40 or so short of it, so once
I've got the magic number I'll print the tables and send them
off to both Sierra U.S. and Sierra Germany (maybe Papy gets
their copy, too ;-)
In case you don't know, Grand Prix Legends is considered the
best racing simulation to date by many and would make a great
title on the Linux platform as more and more games are coming
out for our operating system of choice.
Please show you support for this title by signing here:
Thanks in advance for your time,
Uwe Schuerkamp http://www.racesimcentral.net/
uwe.schuerkamp at telemedia.de for direct mail (from: is spambox)
PGP Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61