x:no archive: yes
In one of my first races (I don't remember if it was in Time Trial or Single
Race) in Rally Championship, I had a great time totally wrecking my car, to
the point that I had even damaged the cooling system, engine and just a few
feet from the end of the course the engine blew. Of course, I don't usually
drive like this. :-)
I patched the product and have been doing my very best to reproduce the same
major damage effects, again and again, on even the hottest of the courses,
but with no luck.
I'm able to crack, smash and break every item of the outer body work, from
the windows, to the bonnet and bumpers, but the engine hasn't been touched.
I've race some of the longest tracks backwards and forwards trying to crash
as much as possible yet STILL nothing! Even keeping the engine in first gear
at the highest rev for 6 minutes did nothing!
Am I missing something here? Is there something else I need to be doing to
increase the damage to the car?
My current ral.cfg looks as follows:
Also, when racing in Arcade mode, the cars seem to have a problem
accelerating. Not sure if this is to do with the patch or not though. When
it first gear, it moves, shifts into second, back to one, back to two, back
to one, back to two, and continues this for AGES before proceeding into
third and so on. Anybody else experiencing this?
I've tweaked the 'patchaccelgrip' to see if that would make any different.
It didn't.
Also, don't you find it annoying that when the car hits something like a
tree, hay barrel or small rock it suddenly STOPS! It doesn't spin, or crash.
It just stops dead.
There was something else I wanted to mention, but can't remember right now.
I'll post back later if I remember.
Best regards,
The Phoenix