>> Since some people on here are complaining about stupid things... here's
>my 2
>> cents.
>> I was driving around Darlington the other day.. and something started to
>> happen to my car.. the engine, transmission, something. Well... my
>> spotter/crew chief told me that will do it for today. I refused to give
>> up.. I went into the pits and tried to go behind to wall to have them
>> it.. just so I can get out there on the track and finish the race... but
>> when I went to turn in behind the wall... BOOM!!! I hit the pit wall. I
>> tried again.. and by goly I hit the pit wall again. I decided to drive
>> along pit lane to find another entrance to the garages.. nothing. I
>> across the track thinking I could go out into the infield from there.
>> nothing.
>> Then I realized... I'm trapped in this track.. there is no way to get out
>> it. Either I go around in circles or I stop playing the game... no other
>> options. I didn't know what to do.. I pulled off to the side, backed my
>> up backwards, and sat back and watch the race... then suddenly.. out of
>> nowhere, my car starts to move. I checked to make sure my foot wasn't on
>> the gas.. no.. not on the wheel too. Here goes my cars, all by itself
>> the straight, into turn 3, then turn 4, then finally, somehow, it gets
>> pushed from the passenger side directly parallel to my pit crew. I
>> believe it.. my car moves effortlessly sideways.
>> And I turned off the game and thought... wow.. that was so real!!!!!!