what i hate about racing games


what i hate about racing games

by graha » Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:00:00

is the way computer opponents wait for you to catch up if you are ***
or go into overdrive if you are good (boost). Motocross madness is a
good example of this stupid feature witch totally ruins what could have
been a great game. Moto's programers should not be allowed to make
another racing game. Are they completely mad or just thicko's.
Christer Andersso

what i hate about racing games

by Christer Andersso » Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:00:00

What you need is a racing _simulator_ :o).


> is the way computer opponents wait for you to catch up if you are ***
> or go into overdrive if you are good (boost). Motocross madness is a
> good example of this stupid feature witch totally ruins what could have
> been a great game. Moto's programers should not be allowed to make
> another racing game. Are they completely mad or just thicko's.
> --
> graham

-- (Read all about the "Global online
racing"-proposal under "For developers". Read it a couple of times, cause noone
has understood it the first time they've read it yet :o))
Martin Urs

what i hate about racing games

by Martin Urs » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

: is the way computer opponents wait for you to catch up if you are ***
: or go into overdrive if you are good (boost). Motocross madness is a
: good example of this stupid feature witch totally ruins what could have
: been a great game. Moto's programers should not be allowed to make
: another racing game. Are they completely mad or just thicko's.

        I thought you could turn this feature off?  I'm pretty sure this
is what Ctrl-A did in the demo.

        But yes, it does suck how I can beat a 512 Testarossa with an
RX-7 in NFS, and vice versa!

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