I correct myself: I have just downloaded the N.I.C.E. Demo and my
non-existant knowledge of the german language has only allowed me to jump in
the Citroen 2CV at 95 km/h. Clearly unrealistic, the car vibration should
kill the passengers at that speed in MY real 2CV. Apart from that, GREAT.
Of course my sponsors care! :-) (If I would have any, I would be fired
faster than Jan Magnussen)
Atr least I don't use the AI tweaker...
GP2 did :-) I have been involved in Kurt Baumann's GP2 league
( until February but my motivation disappeared. Hopefully, GPL
has revived my simracing life again.
Thanks Jan, It is nice to see some veterans of Randy's league, was that 1997
really? It seems one millenium ago!
Citroen 2C V6 CTi was my machine then...
> >Hi all Gpl (and other lower simulators) fans,
> >I present myself, I am an old, also from born in 1970,
> umm... "Old"? Think again kid<g> 1970 would make you only 20 years
I wish I could be that age again, in 1990 I was able to drink and run more
and during more time, I was (even :-) ) more attractive to women and thought
that man would be in Mars in the year 2000. On the other hand, I didn't have
any money, in the TV they sometimes talked about something strange called
"internet" and I was playing Papyrus Indy 500 in my 386 but I never
completed the 200 laps. I also knew somebody who had an expensive AdLlib
"sound card". Music in a PC, who was going to need it!
Welcome back Curro
> and oh yeah, #33 is over the hill alright (private joke for my man Curro).
> ;-)
> Jan./ just leave math to the professionals. 'k? <g>
> =---
> <snip>
> > umm... "Old"? Think again kid<g> 1970 would make you only 20 years old.
> > I won't say this for a fact but I'll say that "I believe" the average
> > driver with GPL on VROC is probably about 30-35. I'm almost the
> > driver in my online GPL racing league at 33. I heard that the oldest
> > driver is like 76(?). But then again looking at most, if not all,
> > events, 33 might be over the hill and half way down the other side ;-)
> > Mike
> Warning! Time-space anomalies occuring in r.a.s.... We've gone back to
> 1990! aaaaaaargggh! ;-p
>- And finally, how do I get into VROC? I get into the chat but I can't enter
>any race. Any spanish speaking could lead me to the race? Will my single
>ISDN connection be enough fast?
Mi habla muy bueno espanol... es co?a. Soy de Madrid y he corrido
bastante en el VROC.
Con RDSI te ira muy bien, yo tengo un 33.6 y va bien.
Escribime por mail y seguimos.