For anyone who might be interested, I created a program to convert lap
speeds to lap times and back, with some added functionality:
The League Speed Time Converter (LSTC) is basically what the name implies:
it converts lap times to speeds and the other way around, supplying extra
functionality for league drivers. The prime focus of this program was
ease-of-use: minimising the actions a user has to take to get his conversion
* Conversion from lap speeds to lap times and the other way around
* Automatic selection of upcoming track, using a league-specific track file
* Fully editable track lists
* Use different track lists if needed
* Comparison mode: compare and analyse two lap times and / or speeds
* Default conversion changable (Goofy mode!! :-) )
You can find it on the website of the European Racing League, It's in the Downloads section of the
Thanks for your attention!
Joeri J. Cox
European Racing League - Taming The NASCAR Tracks Since April 2000
ERL is proudly sponsored by Thomas Enterprises, makers of the TSW and TSW2
Co-founder of 502 Racing