me a nice piece of gleaming Carbon Fibre doesnt get you going ) got me
The greay metal facia (with logitech and momo written on it ) come off
easily with the 6 allen bolts and I'm no thinking of making a carbon fibre
replacement for that genuine lush-ness look.
I've looked into the costs of getting sheet carbon fibre 3mm thick
(somewhere between 7 and 15 per 5 inch x 5 inch 'blank' )
It's simply a case of cutting and filing the edges to shape, drilling the 6
holes for the buttons, 2 holes for LED's and 6 countersunk holes for the
allen bolts.
Does anyone else fancy having a go at one of these - or - pending any
success or lack there-of - want one made ?
If I'm getting the carbon fibre sheet - it's best to get a bigger bit than a
little bit :D