>Is it possible that the frame rates can drop by using a force feedback
>wheel? Using a gamepad I run anywhere from 40-110 fps on a Duron 850
>running 512 megs of ram and a geforce2 card. But as soon as I install the
>V4 wheel the frame rates drop to around 25-40. Just wondering if the wheel
>is the culprit.
Might not be all that complicated. I remember when I first got my V4,
and installed that software that came with it (I think it assigns
profiles to games), it really crushed my framerate. The proggy ran
in the background, residing in the tray. Didn't realize it until I
exited out of it and then all was ok. You don't need the program to
run, it has nothing to do with the operation of the wheel (unlike a
LWFF). Otherwise, never had any trouble with this particular wheel
harming frame rates over 2 years of hard use.