...a couple things about the re-release:
First of all thanks for everyone's patience while we've been working on
everything that needed to be done for re-release. I just wanted to mention a
few tweaks/improvements we've been able to make in the meantime,
particularly with the physics. The overall feel of the cars is virtually the
same and the individual characteristics are still very much there, but we've
done a few things that should make the GTP experience a little better.
The shocks have been tweaked a bit. We've been able to adjust the shock
travel as well as the pressure bias between compression and rebound. The
difference is mostly noticeable only on the bumpy/low speed parts of tracks
(i.e. the turn at the end of the boot at the glen, or the chicane at the end
of suzuka). The cars are much less likely to "bottom out" their shock travel
and get skittish, or get into the weird oscillating effects that would occur
The Grille Tape is now a "true" radiator. It is a factor of drag vs engine
cooling and no longer has an effect on downforce. This actually improves the
aero balance of the cars very slightly and is from all accounts more
realistic for these cars. Also the drag factor is slightly higher, as the
grille tape had very very little effect on drag before.
The rear wing now accounts for a lower portion of the overall drag of the
cars. In effect this means that you will not gain nearly as much benefit
from running lower wing as you did before. We think this is a bit more
realistic and it will only be necessary to get a low wing setup working at
the very fast tracks, as it should be.
The tire wear has been tweaked slightly, particularly in the amount of wear
caused by sliding/locking up the tires. It seemed like there was just too
much damage being done to the tires from a spin or from locking the tires up
too much. Although it's somewhat realistic that the tires on these cars
would've been beaten up from abuse, it seemed like it was overdone a bit and
was just leading to frustration more than anything...
In the garage, the minimum wing has been raised slightly and the front
weight limit has been lowered. That is, you will not be able to move the
weight forward to some crazy unrealistic amounts as before. Also the minimum
track bar has been lowered slightly.
There have been some very small tweaks made to the tire model that are
almost negligible but might as well be noted.
Overall these changes are very slight and most drivers probably will not
notice the difference. The feedback on the physics after the original
release was very very good overall so it didnt seem like there was a need
for any major changes... The overall grip/downforce/drag/power of the cars
is unchanged so laptimes/setups will not differ much if at all at most
tracks, and your favorite car to drive in the original release will still be
your favorite car in the re-release.
Also i'm happy to report that most of the sounds have been reworked and
really do sound quite a bit improved...
I can say that re-release is hopefully not too far off and thanks again for
everyone's patience. Amid all the discussions and speculations I think most
people have been understanding and supportive about all of this and
fortunately we've been able to squeeze a few improvements in for everyone
P.S. We should have a few new things up on the site at re-release or shortly
thereafter, particularly in the way of setups and setup/driving guides, as
well as addon-track support.