various sims. I hoped the newest drivers would help, but as most
people realize the newest V2 DX6 drivers cause more problems. Below
is something that may help.
I may have found a solution to one or both problems (the old driver
lock up and some of the new driver problems).
Deep in the Diamond Voodoo 2 troubleshooting FAQ is a small blurb
saying something to the point that, the V2 card does not like to have
it's memory range for it's driver close to any other hardware.
To achieve this they recommend the following: (paraphrased)
Go to the System control panels and find your Voodoo II, double click
for Properties and the go to the Resources tab.
Click on Memory Range and select Change Setting (you will have to
uncheck the automatic settings box).
Move 5 clicks up and 5 clicks down to see if any other devices are in
this range. If so move 5 clicks away from a conflicting device.
Diamond wants 5 clicks up and down with no other devices to avoid
conflicts. The troubleshooting FAQ (e-mailed from Diamond when I
complained about the lock ups and 2.05 GPL problems) is the ONLY place
I have ever seen this mentioned.
I had to move mine a significant amount to achieve this. Also
remember that if new devices are installed or others reinstalled
memory ranges may change resulting in a conflict again.
This fixed my lock up problem but did not seem to fix a 2.05 driver
issue with F1RS (I did not try GPL, so it may help some, at least with
the lock ups). I am now back with 2.03 drivers, but with no lock ups.
One more note, on every new V2 driver install the setting will go back
to auto.
Hope this helps someone
(Disclaimer, invoke this fix at your own risk, I make no promises of
anything what so ever.)
Geoff Stahl