I'm having some trouble getting the larger files such
as wcfged50.zip and anylpak.zip from didnt.doit.wisc.edu.
Is there another ftp site with copies somewhere ?
I'm having some trouble getting the larger files such
as wcfged50.zip and anylpak.zip from didnt.doit.wisc.edu.
Is there another ftp site with copies somewhere ?
>I'm having some trouble getting the larger files such
>as wcfged50.zip and anylpak.zip from didnt.doit.wisc.edu.
>Is there another ftp site with copies somewhere ?
Division of Information Technology | 608-262-0282
1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 |
If you can WWW try http://www.mal.com/~dgymer/f1gputil/ otherwise
you're probably scuppered, unless someone else out there can start
a mirror site, preferably in Europe somewhere.
-- Gizmo
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