I made my first serious runs on Buenos Aires today in F1-RS.
And all I can say is:
What the hell is this go-cart track doing in an F-1 season?
80% of the circuit you're stuck in first gear. There's only one nice bend in
And those bumbs! Who was it who designed this track in real life?
Ridiculous. I really understand Damon Hill now for saying you loose your
teeth-fillings driving this joke.
Anyway, thumbs up for Ubisoft for making this track as iritating as it is in
real life. I'm sure I left the ground on those bumbs.
Flush The Seatbelt! Ekul in Sraw Rats
Sticks and stones CAN break my bones!
Anonymous Stormtrooper on Endor.
1/35 Panther Ausf. F under construction