% I've tried that, too! All seems to be working well, except for this one
% error message..
% Registry: Errors found:
% Key 'HKCR\CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InProcHandler32',
% Value '', should be 'gchand.dll', but is ''."
% But all tests working perfectly...
% I'd also like to say that behind all the bickering and in-fighting that goes
% on in here, there are some wonderful minds and willing helpers - I thank you
% all.
This is a left-over registry entry from previous versions of DirectX and
refers to the games controller handler. If you delete it from your
registry the DirectX utility will say that files are missing and you
need to re-install DirectX 7x. Just ignore this registry error. For
some reason Microsoft is not concerned about this as all versions of
DirectX 7 have had this oversight.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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