Yes, of course.
My point was though.......
J. Villenuve obviuosly finds driving a modern day F1 car (fairly) easy.
He has makes a switch to a 1960's car and has difficulty driving it at all.
Thats the same for us, we drive things like GP2 and making the switch to GPL
is very hard because it is easier to drive GP2.
It is the same situation now that we switch from GPL to F1 2000.
Some people seem to remember when they switched to GPL, very difficult, but
gradually learned to be fast. Now they jump into F1 2000 and in a week they
are capable of decent lap times.
This can be mistaken for when you switch from GP2 on the PC to F1'99 on the
Playstation, give it 10 laps and your ready to set the AI to 100% and still
win the WC in F1'99. Its so easy, its arcade.
My point is that peole are confusing difficulty with realism, since sims
like F1 2000 seem so much easier to adjust to after GPL, some people seem to
have the feeling it is arcade-ish (or at least not too realistic) which I
must totally disagree with.