Rally Champ

Simon Brow

Rally Champ

by Simon Brow » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

You are happy with the physics?  The graphics are exceptional, and the
stages are beautifully portrayed.  The sound is also excellent.  But I don't
think that's how rally cars are supposed to drive.  The cars feel extremely
light, and they float when airborne.
Erwan Gourvene

Rally Champ

by Erwan Gourvene » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

Yes, great game.
I finish it in the expert level but it wasn't easy.
When i had a couple of seconds of time in advance,
i had to "spend" them in the repairs mecanics. Pffufff !!
Yeah, the 28 minutes section is toilsome.
But the very short section "moon and Star" is as toilsome as
the 28 minutes section because every second is primordial,
every corner is crucial, you can lost a tons of seconds at the
first and only mistake.

Marc Dav

Rally Champ

by Marc Dav » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
the Cars in RC2K


Rally Champ

by evente.. » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

Has anyone taken advantage of the latest patch and come up with a really
good combo of gravity and grip adjustments yet?


Sent via
Before you buy.

Michael Basde

Rally Champ

by Michael Basde » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

Try turning on the force feedback...maybe that will help!  :0)


> >Why doesn't this excellent game get more postings in here? I just finished
> >that 28 minute section and I'm literally shaking!

> All the elements of a great sim are there, but it just doesn't feel
> right to me. The car feels like it has no mass or something.
> It's nearly intangible.

> Before someone starts quacking "Have you ever driven a real rally car
> to know how it feels?", I'll admit that I haven't.
> All I have to compare is thousands of hours off-road in two and four
> wheel drive trucks.

> Tim

Tim O

Rally Champ

by Tim O » Thu, 18 May 2000 04:00:00

On Wed, 17 May 2000 18:26:20 -0400, Michael Basden

>Try turning on the force feedback...maybe that will help!  :0)

It isn't how the FF reacts to the obstacles, its how the whole chassis
of the car reacts to them.
Don't get me wrong. I loved almost everything about the sim. It just
felt weird and that really hurt the immersion for me.


David Butte

Rally Champ

by David Butte » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

I've got a vague feeling someone did that in the BRC a few years ago -
maybe Burns or Laukkanen?

Or we could have a Monte Carlo addon pack with lunatic spectators
hurling snowballs at midnight...

Ah, nice to see Spirit of Speed 1937 hasn't been forgotten! :-)

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

David Butte

Rally Champ

by David Butte » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Well, speaking as I do with all the authority of a man who's done no
rallying at all: you say the handling's bad - others (including some
rally drivers) say it's great. What are we supposed to think?

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)


Rally Champ

by No » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

thus spoke:

I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
the real thing?


Rally Champ

by LL » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

I didn't move the other grip settings (tarmac, grass, gravel.....) for me
just the gravity and the damage control a bit higher were good....


Rally Champ

by LL » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Change the gravity settings with the patches.


Rally Champ

by LL » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Yes, me.

Gravity to 110 %, no grip changes, for me it was just fine.

> > I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
> > the Cars in RC2K

> Has anyone taken advantage of the latest patch and come up with a really
> good combo of gravity and grip adjustments yet?

> Kendt

> Sent via
> Before you buy.


Rally Champ

by LL » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

That's true, reduce the wheel sensitivity do about 60 % of its original
value (for my ACT LABS that's about the figure).

> thus spoke:

> >I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
> >the Cars in RC2K

> I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
> the real thing?
> --
> Nos

Marc Dav

Rally Champ

by Marc Dav » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Its a pretty good simulation of a Rally, and by that I mean the event
as a whole but the vehicles to me just seem to have way to much grip.
I had the privledge not long ago of going for a ride in a ex  factory
Escort WRC and the things have so much grunt you are able to drive
them on just the throttle. (not unlike my old P76 V8 Escort rally
Car). May be if you play with the physics a bit you may get it closer
to something that feels real. You really need to be able to cut
corners at times too. Having said all that we do Rally on mostly quite
smooth Gravel Roads in NZ and my impressions could be affected by

On 18 May 2000 01:47:36 GMT,

>>I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive
>>like the Cars in RC2K

>Well, speaking as I do with all the authority of a man who's done no
>rallying at all: you say the handling's bad - others (including some
>rally drivers) say it's great. What are we supposed to think?

>"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
>(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Magnus Svensso

Rally Champ

by Magnus Svensso » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

>thus spoke:

>>I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
>>the Cars in RC2K

>I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
>the real thing?

I think RM is a lot better in that department. Controls are very easy
to adjust to just right.

The sliding and road handling are LOTS better than RC2000. However, at
times it *almost*(not sure though) feels a bit canned. And there are
minor other probs, like the car loses to much speed when coasting and
is a bit unstable during braking.

People not that into rallying(no disrespect intended) seems to think
that wide wild slides is associated with Sega Rally:ish arcade games.
It's really not.

Check this out:

Marcus Gr?nholm testing in Finland. Now judge if RM or RC2000 looks
more like that.

And this:

Not having anything to with anything, but that gives me goosebumps...

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