Has anyone taken advantage of the latest patch and come up with a really
good combo of gravity and grip adjustments yet?
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
> >Why doesn't this excellent game get more postings in here? I just finished
> >that 28 minute section and I'm literally shaking!
> All the elements of a great sim are there, but it just doesn't feel
> right to me. The car feels like it has no mass or something.
> It's nearly intangible.
> Before someone starts quacking "Have you ever driven a real rally car
> to know how it feels?", I'll admit that I haven't.
> All I have to compare is thousands of hours off-road in two and four
> wheel drive trucks.
> Tim
I've got a vague feeling someone did that in the BRC a few years ago -
maybe Burns or Laukkanen?
Or we could have a Monte Carlo addon pack with lunatic spectators
hurling snowballs at midnight...
Ah, nice to see Spirit of Speed 1937 hasn't been forgotten! :-)
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
Well, speaking as I do with all the authority of a man who's done no
rallying at all: you say the handling's bad - others (including some
rally drivers) say it's great. What are we supposed to think?
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
the real thing?
Gravity to 110 %, no grip changes, for me it was just fine.
> Has anyone taken advantage of the latest patch and come up with a really
> good combo of gravity and grip adjustments yet?
> Kendt
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.
> >I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
> >the Cars in RC2K
> I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
> the real thing?
> --
> Nos
On 18 May 2000 01:47:36 GMT,
>>I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive
>>like the Cars in RC2K
>Well, speaking as I do with all the authority of a man who's done no
>rallying at all: you say the handling's bad - others (including some
>rally drivers) say it's great. What are we supposed to think?
>"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
>(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
>>I've done alot of Rallying and the real thing just doesn't drive like
>>the Cars in RC2K
>I found the control *very* twitchy in RC. Is Rally Masters closer to
>the real thing?
The sliding and road handling are LOTS better than RC2000. However, at
times it *almost*(not sure though) feels a bit canned. And there are
minor other probs, like the car loses to much speed when coasting and
is a bit unstable during braking.
People not that into rallying(no disrespect intended) seems to think
that wide wild slides is associated with Sega Rally:ish arcade games.
It's really not.
Check this out:
Marcus Gr?nholm testing in Finland. Now judge if RM or RC2000 looks
more like that.
And this:
Not having anything to with anything, but that gives me goosebumps...