>> That seems odd. I can't think of a reason (apart from possibly poor
>> driving) that your second lap would be slower - it takes a good 1-1/2
>> to 2 laps to get the car up to maximum speed. Usually this happens in
>> the straightaway on the second qualifying lap.
>> Most of my qualifying runs, the second lap is at least 1 mph faster
>> than the first lap.
>> Gil
> Eldred is mainly a road course racer Gil. So the posibility of driver
>mistakes increase with each lap. :) At least that is the way it is with
>me, the more laps I make, the more mistakes creep in.
But they are slippery enough (apart from at Dega, perhaps), that you are
most likely to have your best lap 2nd time around. Those opening
practice laps are where you get to test the limits of the car on cold
tyres. Make use of them. :)
Too be honest, at most tracks, you can drive away from any other car if
you're on fresh tyres and they're on well used tyres. Even when just
exiting the pits and having just merged, you'll be way faster. Just had
this situation at Dover. Wanted to stay ahead of lead pack after having
just taken fresh tyres. They closed up on the backstretch as I merged,
but I was already pulling away through the corner. How realistic that
is I have no idea. Admittedly I hadn't taken any extra fuel on (had half
a tank still, which was enough to get me to the finish) which would have
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
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GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -25.01