Best Price on LWFF?


Best Price on LWFF?

by Jazzbo » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Here is the best price I found so far, mainly because there is no
shipping charge, for outside CA, no tax either (I think). Please let me
know if there is a better deal out there.


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Before you buy.


Best Price on LWFF?

by Lutrel » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Most online shopping seem to have high shipping cost ($15.00 to $25.00 I have seen) so for
free shipping at that price it is the best price I have seen. It said limited time free
shipping, so it may not always be the best deal.

>Here is the best price I found so far, mainly because there is no
>shipping charge, for outside CA, no tax either (I think). Please let me
>know if there is a better deal out there.



>Sent via
>Before you buy.


Best Price on LWFF?

by Larr » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Try ***ian Outpost.  They don't even charge for shipping, and their prices
are right in line with everyone elses.


> Most online shopping seem to have high shipping cost ($15.00 to $25.00 I
have seen) so for
> free shipping at that price it is the best price I have seen. It said
limited time free
> shipping, so it may not always be the best deal.
> Lutrell

> >Here is the best price I found so far, mainly because there is no
> >shipping charge, for outside CA, no tax either (I think). Please let me
> >know if there is a better deal out there.

> >
> >&}=*

> >--
> >Jaz

> >Sent via
> >Before you buy.

Dave Cas

Best Price on LWFF?

by Dave Cas » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'm sorry but, any company that does not know the difference between a "break"
pedal and a "brake" pedal isn't going to get too much of my business.

Dave Casey
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