Thanks Steve...How does the center value figure into the scheme? Should it
really be the halfway point between the min and max values or is there more
to it? I have been using this tweak for some time now so I figured it's
about time to learn the "ins and outs" of it.
Dave C.
> David,
> I generally adjust mine to match the min/max values from the raw and
> input readings on the left, as the normal calibration routine for my
> Logitech wheel doesn't give full use of the travel in the wheel or pedals.
> You can also adjust where the throttle or brake "tips-in" or maxes out
> way, for games that don't allow in-game calibration ala GPL. Other uses:
> for games like the old Rally Championship demo that had absurdly sensitive
> steering, setting the steering min/max numbers much farther apart solves
> problem easily, and for motorcycle sims setting them closer together lets
> you match wheel tilt to bike tilt - much better with bikes than using full
> rotation.
> Cheers,
> Steve B.
> > Hi all..I have been using a TSW of late. I use the DX Tweak program
> > with that. I put my dead zones to zero. I notice the values to the right
> > side of the box for X,Y,Z,R axis can be modified by putting in different
> > numbers than the program originally picks recognizes for the controller.
> > Does anyone experiment with these numbers at all to improve or change
> > performance of their wheel or pedals?
> > Dave C.