I know what you mean about the Repco Remco. I prefer driving the Cooper and
Eagle so I found myself using the Repco sound for them as well. Works great
with them, only problem is that it takes away from the experience of hearing
the chorus of different engines during replays.
I was happily surprised at how good the loops sound in replay using TV1/TV2
view. The sound of the Repco throttle blipping on downshift is really
amazing. The fact that you can drop in a real engine sample and get it to
sound so good over the range of idle, full acceleration, throttle lift,
throttle blip-downshift is a reflection of what a great job Papyrus have
done coding for sounds.
I have loops of similar quality for Modern F1 cars. Try dropping them in
Ubisoft's F1RS/MGP and they sound like shit in comparison.
best regards,
>Hi Patrick,
>Darn, why did you make this Honda sound so good? Now I HAVE to drive
>the Honda. And that whale is hard to drive. Well, it is for me.
>Thank you for these sounds.