back to N4, but unfortunately it didn't make the cut this time around
- Eric
- Eric
Big question now I guess is, do we have to wati for N2003 or GPL2 to get
filtering of the racelist..?
( - I know, I know..... )
"Eric Busch" said:
"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
the....." - Ash
> Would some kind of filtering-system of the race list be too much to ask for?
> (so we could choose what types of races it should display - al'a 'UT' and
> 'RTCW' - it would be of great help IMHO...)
> --
> ed_
> "Eric Busch" said:
> > FYI that feature will be included in the upcoming 1.1 patch.
> > - Eric
Ideally it would be possible to filter the race list by multiple choices...
So it could be set to *avoid* displaying races that are:
- full
- empty
- passwordprotected
- held on dedicated/non-dedicated server
- 'Arcade'
- 'Simulation'
- use yellows
- use fixed setups
- limit view to in***pit
- use full pacelap
- higher / lower than a certain skill level
- require a specific LPI
- held on a certian *type* of track (SS, SW, RC, ST) etc. etc.
- or any combination of those listed above.
The point of this being that if for example I'm looking for a race on a
road-course, I wont have to look thru a list of 200 full/empty superspeedway
All the filtering will take place on the clients computers so there will be
no more 'stress' on race-list computers or hosts then it is allready.
quite a bit of this you can already do by simply sorting the racelist on (click on the column header). Not perfect, but good enough to get
the job done.
The sorting *kind of* works - but it's miles from perfect imo.
"Joachim Trensz" said:
the sorting kind of works - but it's miles from perfect imo.
(psst! whats with the "d&r" ?)
"Joachim Trensz" said:
"Joachim Trensz" said:
> > I know you can *sort* the list Joachim - but thats not what I'm
after -
> > I want the unwanted entries to be removed!
> > the sorting kind of works - but it's miles from perfect imo.