In Monza, go into the pitstop at full speed but miss it so you hit the
wall (?) on the left of the pit. Instant flip.
>> even get the one decent 5th gear bend right)
>> and coming out of that very corner, I ran into the back of someone and
>> my car back flipped! At least I think it was a back flip - I just
>> clipped the car and saw blue sky for a couple of seconds. I landed on
>> the air box, and with one of the rear wheels touching the tarmac, the
>> car slowly pirouetted around.
>> I can't think of any was that could happen in real life.
>I can't remember who it was but I recall someone running up the rear of
>another car on the front straight and doing a full 360 degree flip
>> I'd have put a replay of it on the web but I've been running with
>> replays disabled.
>> Oh, and why is no-one talking about F1RS, swapping setups, and so on?
>> Are we all too busy playing?
>> Ken
>> --
>> #include <disclaim>