I think they had a baseline system without wheel, pedals, cannon etc etc
going for 10k USD... Within reach, in other words...
I think they'd actuelly be able to sell a few thousand of a model in
that price range, because that is actually within reach of a sim racing
enthousiasts economy...
A 20k USD model would sell just a tiny fraction of what the 10k model
would do, IMO.
>> This rig seems to be rather limited in terms of "full motion system",
>> since it never uses gravity to simulate braking and turning forces... It
>> just shifted back and forth and sideways, and this yields no feeling of
>> cornerning force or braking force.
>> If I'd want one, I'd go for a rig that gives me MORE feedback than just
>> sitting in front of the screen...
>> The stuff found at http://www.force-dynamics.com/ seems to be a better
>> deal, you can fit it in a normal medium sized room in a normal house
>> (hehe), oh did I forget: They have made a plugin for rFactor that pulls
>> out the physics engine data you need to simulate G-forces using gravity
>> to that purpose.
>> One of those with a G25 (which we all own in the first hand), and I
>> would spend a family-threatening amount of time in it, surely. This rig
>> is on my list right after the grand piano. :-D
> Trouble is that force dynamics' rig was so damned expensive, originally
> been advertised for 20,000 US dollars. I notice now that I cannot seem
> to find any kind of quoted price for the thing on their website. Wonder
> why? ;-)