On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:42:33 -0700, "Mitch_Alatorre"
>It seems to me that VROC attracts a much more mature audience than what I've
>experienced so far using the Won servers and N3.
>My biggest complaint involves a few hosts that think they are in "Offline
>mode" and restart the server whenever they crash out or are having a bad
>run! I've run VROC and never to my knowledge been booted because the host
>had a bad run. Perhaps this is due to dedicated servers on VROC? Or just
>the quality/class of the individuals.
I have been using VROC for a few days now with GPL and have been
immensely impressed by both the quality and generosity of the
individuals. They are extremely helpful, polite, etc. I have yet to
come across anyone that would be considered a jerk much less a problem
maker. I have hosted races of 17 laps or more where in the first 3
laps I discovered I had such a horrid set-up that it wasn't worth
continuing.. instead of screaming and dropping the game I simply exit
out to the replay screen and focus on how the top-3 are doing from
different angles. Why? I can learn things! Alternately there is NO
reason to boot other people out just because I had a bad night.
That's something for the ***'s to fume over. I have also been in
games with over 20 laps where the host got screwed up badly in the
first two or three. Messages usually read as "I'll be back when it's
over" but they DO NOT reset the games! The only boots I have
experianced was due to one persons having computer problems while
hosting and even dumped when he was running with an extended lead.
When you do get shunted off or booted about you are almost always
greeted with an apology, not laughter and that apology is nearly
always met with a 'No Problem'. I can not think of a more polite
online-society to date, at least not in my experiance.. maybe it's the
genre attracting an older and more mature audience? I would really
hate to see it as a class versus slob argument. I will (against my
better judgement) be picking up N3 this evening more for the sounds
and supposedly immersive experiance and a different type of online
racing than for the fact that it's a Nas***race sim. I can't stand
Nas***but I'm willing to support Sierra/Papyrus in hopes that they
come out with more sims, preferably a WSC type race that is
considerably better than Sports-Car GT or some other similar series.
I have noticed some serious warping from time to time during peak
hours on VROC but usually it's taken in stride. Nothing quite like
trail braking into a hairpin from nearly 180mph only to have a car
magically appear at a dead stop 3' in front of you. Something tells
me Jim Clark never had to deal with that! (give or take the odd
idiotic pedestrian and a goat or three) ;)
(Joke mode on) Maybe they accidently swallowed their dip when they
got nudged out of line?? :)
I am already expecting a physics engine well below that of GPL but
this is going more for the sounds and different tracks than pure
computing experiance. Hopefully it isn't TOO bad..
Hydrogen and Stupidity.. The two most universal elements