Well I did post a similar request earlier in this thread, so you're not
the only one who wants it!
Well I did post a similar request earlier in this thread, so you're not
the only one who wants it!
> > I would like to see a 'mode' (like with the function keys for fuel, tire
> > temp etc) which will tell you the car that is physically in front of you
> > (ie not the guy one position ahead of you, but the guy physically 10
> > feet ahead of you.
> In N2 try F2 and then hit Enter. It will display the time interval of
> the next cars ahead and behind you physically on the track.
> Mike Basden
> Remove *nospam* for e-mail replies.
+ -/\ \___ --==>
Quentin Christensen ####//_\\___\_ +
You must make your enemy your bud -\/ _/ + --==>
and all will be well... -\/
How about other 3d objects on the track, eg, orange cones at Watkins. They
can be squashed or whatever too ;)
> I think he was referring to cars cutting through the pits to try to better
> their qual attempts on certain tracks.
Just want to put in my 2 cents worth -
How about TRACK ACCURACY!!!!!!!
I've attended races at most of the tracks over the last 20 years and can
tell you Simmers out there that things ain't always what they seem.
Take Talladega, for example.
---------------- -----------------
- No wall on outside of Pit Road You guessed it - A wall outside of Pit
- Track is Tan colored with black patch Track is Grey or silver with a
few skids
lines covering years of cracks
- No covered front stretch stands under Cover stands.
the Press tower between O.V. North
and O.V. South.
- Cars sound like clean/crackling/ Cars sound like...Something.
Ain't a 850 horse
booming/thunderous ENGINES motor though.
- Track is NOT Smooth but rather very Car travels over track with nary a
bump or jerk.
bumpy and grainy.
- Infield grass inside of the dogleg is Infield grass is a narrow
- Access to the garage area is gained No garage yet but also no roads
off of back stretch
by roads in pit road as well as on the that winds through to pitroad
back stretch
Anyway, you get my point. NASCAR 2 is the best thing out there but we need
to encourage Papyrus to do better. The bar has been raised by the people
behind the accurate-to-within-10-centimeter CART Precision Racing.
Demand better, and keep it off the apron.
The main things *I* would like to see:
1-Crashes cause by AI (not involving me...contact with OTHER AI...)
2-A setup similar to NASCAR1 where you could run at ANY track no
matter what calendar you have loaded.
3-Damagable sides.
5-Separate car shapes for each make with a way to alter them to make
your own.
6-All WC, BGN, and Truck tracks.
7-Damage more realistic (ex, you don't damage a tire every time you
hit the wall...I've seen cars slap the wall with the side of thier car
at 20mph IRL and just did a little sheet metal damage).
8-AI Speeds corresponding with real speeds at the real track. None of
this 196mph ***at Dega when they only REALLY qual there at 193.
9-An option to decide what damage to fix and what not to.
10-When you wreck, if its bad, you sit behind the wall for a while and
get fixed. Not like now where you get a little damage and you may
lose a lap, but if it goes beyond that you are out of the race.
11-More RANDOM random breakdowns.
12-Blown tires.
13-A few more setup options, such as track bars and ***s in the
Thats all I can think of right now.
Mike Fraze