more stock.
Brand loyalty was MUCH fiercer.......MUCH more<G>
p.s. The Dodge is just Ford Tortoise ver. 2.0, so that wouldn't matter <G>
> >The DuPont #24 is one of the more popular cars in NASCAR. It is driven
> >Jeff
> >Gordon (young, good looking, likable, talented driver) who it seems most
> >people
> >either love or hate with very few fans in the middle. He has won the
> >championship several (4?) times. All that aside it is one of the most
> >marketed teams in Winston Cup. I am sure one of his fans or haters could
> >give
> >you more information. (I personally cheer for Dodge drivers but would
> >Jeff win than any Ford..)..
> I've wondered about this. If one of the current Dodge drivers started
> a Ford, would you suddenly hate him? I just can't understand rooting for
> particular CAR...
> Eldred
> --
> Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
> Homepage -
> GPLRank - under construction...
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
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