Not sure, but this might be worth a try in your situation as well.
Good Luck.
>> How can I get RFactor to calibrate correctly with a split axis BRD
>> unit. It recognizes the wheel and the throttle but not the
>> brake.Thanks
> I had a similar problem with my TSW brake ped. (I have the TSW as
> Controller 1 (split-axis) and a MOMO wheel as controller 2). Although
> my peds were immediately recognized, I couldn't get the brake calibrated
> correctly at first. I had to _repeatedly_ try mapping the brake ped
> within rFactor before it stuck. What finally helped was holding down
> the brake ped just a bit _before_ mapping it. (But again, I had to try
> this numerous times).
> Not sure, but this might be worth a try in your situation as well.
> Good Luck.
I went into the Window calibration and calibrated the pedal. The key
was to follow the on screen instruction; move it all the way one way and
press next, all the way the other ... and then to the middle. The last
one is the one that did it. By holding it in the middle, it took it
properly even though at the extremes, it never went all the way to the
ends of the calibration scale but that didn't matter. In RFactor it
calibrates to the full range.
I think the Windows calibration only saw half an axis when I didn't hold
it the middle for the final calibration.
This fixed the problem in the F1C, GTR demo, RFactor demo, the Richard
Burns demo and it didn't break LFS nor Nascar 2003 Season (since they
didn't have the problem before.)