If your son doesn't know those words, then he isn't going to recognize them,
veiled or not. If he does know them, then what are you trying to shield him
from? Either way, he didn't learn the words from the people in this
newsgroup, did he?
I'm a big guy, too, and I was taught that people swear when they are too
uneducated to use any other words. I don't have to worry about where I
swear because I just don't swear. I don't care if other people do because
they are just words and they don't hurt anyone.
No. This is a public place. It's not like anyone's private home, it's like
a bus station or a shopping mall or a city sidewalk. When you are in
public, you sometimes are exposed to things you don't like, but that's the
price of sharing that public place with other people.
I am a parent, too, and I feel strongly about protecting my daughter from
things in the world that are not appropriate for her age and developmental
level. What I realize, however, is that her protection is my responsibility
and I don't expect the world to police itself for my child's benefit.
And mine makes it $0.04. My best to you and your son.
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