Surely you don't take the slightest notice of what the min req say's on any box do you?
Mike Lescault, former Papy spokesman, told us we'd be wanting a PII300 ages ago. Maybe
that's why he's an ex employee. LOL.
> Did I *say* it should run on a 486?!? NO. If the program takes advantage of
> the latest hardware, FINE, I'm all for it. I'll have to decide if I want
> to get a newer machine just for one game. Just don't state the minimum
> requirements at a p166(thus giving false hope) when in REALITY you need a 266
> to get any enjoyment(playability).
> Did I make it clear this time?
> In article
> >If you just got a PII 450 and found that GPL ran fine on a P200mmx how would you feel.
> >Sounds like you lot need to buy your software from a 2nd hand shop! What a load of ***it
> >is to think that new software should not be designed to run optimally on the latest
> >hardware. Should GPL run on a 486? 386? ...................
> >> >Sierra published minimum system requirements because they knew that
> >> >anything below that line would be unplayable. Anything at the system
> >> >minimums is probably just playable with all of the options turned off,
> >> >that's why it's a -minimum requirement-. To truely enjoy a cutting edge,
> >> >technologically advanced simulation you will need a cutting edge,
> >> >technologically advanced machine.
> >> I know, I'm jumping in late. But, it would be nice if the developers gave
> >> more realistic minimums. They should know from previous releases what frame
> >> rates and options are acceptable, and which are NOT.
> >> ________
> >> Eldred Pickett
> >> e-mail address altered to deter spammers - remove the '*' to reply
> >> Put your message in a modem - and throw it into the ***-sea...
> >--
> > Byron Forbes
> > Captain of Team Lightning Bolt
> >
> > and
> >
> ________
> Eldred Pickett
> e-mail address altered to deter spammers - remove the '*' to reply
> Put your message in a modem - and throw it into the ***-sea...
Byron Forbes
Captain of Team Lightning Bolt