>Dear Sim racing buddies,
>I took advantage of joining AOL as a second ISP and getting my 100 hours
>The question is:
>Does AOL have any Sim racing sites, chat groups, forums or whatever that is
>accessible by AOL members only ?
>Tim A. Deatherage
>"Admitted Sim ***"
AOL , if you'll pardon the expression, sucks for online racing, and I never
have found any chat groups or forums dedicated to sim racers (I have heard
there is an ICR2 message board but have not found it), however there are a
couple of excellent forums (or Grandstands as AOL likes to call them) for most
popular racing series. Type in Keyword: Grandstand, then scroll down to
Motorsports and then Motorsports Major Series. Also, there is a great Sportscar
forum on the Road and Track site, type in Keywork:Road and navigate to their
motorsports forum. IMO, it's one of the best motorsports sites on the net. If
you reply to me with your AOL address, I can send you the links.