> > > Im running a 486dx100 w/ 32M ram. Ive got an ok 2D card and N2/CART run
> > > very well with most of the graphics turned off. I keep Skids, paint,
> > > smoke on, and thats about it. This works great on ovals, but for road
> > > courses it would be nice to have more objects to judge by. Im wondering
> > > if I could just upgrade my video to a Rendition supported card to
> > > achieve this, or am i still going to have major hampering by the CPU.
> > > Upgrading my CPU right now is not an option. Thanks.
> > > --Scott
> > Yes, buy one of the first generation Rendition-based cards (V1000
> Be careful! Rendition cards are for PCI slots. Unless your
> 486 motherboard has PCI slots (which is kind of unlikely) you
> won't be able to use any of the new 3d accelerators.
Oh, thats not a problem (having a PCU slot). I knew that going in.
Problem is everyone who puts out software/hardware today just assumes
we're all new to the world and have only heard of the pentium processor,
so thats all they list as compatability (Pentium PCI) etc. So as far as
PCI slot is concerned, ive got one, but is the architecture of the 486
PCI incompat with Pentium PCI? Thanks.