Does anyone still have the settings for the rearview mirror so you don't have any blind
spots. Thanks
Does anyone still have the settings for the rearview mirror so you don't have any blind
spots. Thanks
There's a patch to correct this problem. You can download this from many N2
sites but I suggest you take a look at
% Does anyone still have the settings for the rearview mirror so you
% don't have any blind spots.
If I remember correctly I believe the N1 style mirror coding is in the
nwenglnd.txt file (the rem'med statements at the end).
Here are some old posts to fill you in on the mirrors in N2:
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 03:45:38 GMT
Somewhere along the way, in some article, someone asked for what the
Mirror lines in the track.txt would look like for the mirrors as
shipped with N2. From the engineer who did that work, I quote:
"Ah. I was wondering if anybody had found those yet. That would be...
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1266000000 150000 250000 93592
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 150000 250000 45888
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1266000000 150000 250000 93592
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 97 17:47:13 GMT
Here is what I got:
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1000000000 65536 100000 93592
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 65536 100000 45888
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1000000000 65536 100000 93592
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MIRR$ = L-LEFT C-CENTER R-RIGHT easy enough.
1st.# = made no difference
2nd.# = made no difference
3rd.# = made no difference
4th.# = increased to 5000000000 on the L & R and the angle of the mirror
changed the front of the car in the mirror was closer and the rear
farther away. / | <--- looks sort of like that.
Decreased the # to 100000000 and the angle was even greater.
The rear (center) mirror showed no change.
5th.# = Decreased the # by 1/2 and the image in the mirror got smaller and
there was a small angle increase /|.
In the rear (center) you can see the car before you pass it.
Increased the # by 1/2 and the image was squished end to end
In the rear (center) you could begin to see the other car when your
front tire was even with the other cars door
6th.# = Increased to 500000 and the angle of the mirror was upward a small
amount, the image was closer, but was squished end to end.
In the rear (center) you could begin to see the other car just
before you pulled up even to it. The image was squished end to end
Decreased the # to 50000 and the image was wide but squished top to
In the rear (center) you could begin to see the other car when your
ft. bumper was even with the other cars door. The image was
squished top to bottom also.
7th.# = Decreased each # by 1/2. R & L image was like it is normally on other
tracks and centered on the other car when you are even with the
other car.
In the rear (center) you could begin to see the other car when you
were 1/2 car lenght passed but the image was abit small
Increased the # by 1/2 and on the R & L the image was smaller but
looked normal.
In the rear (center) you could begin to see the other car when you
were even with it but the image was small.
With that info it seems that the 5th and 7th numbers are the important
ones. The 5th number seems to be how wide (if decreased) or narrow (if
increased) the field of vision in the mirror is. It is most useful for the
rear (center) mirror. The 7th number seems to control how close the image is
in the mirror. Closer (when decresed) and farther away (when increased).
Here is what I came up with to be the best settings (IMHO):
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1000000000 65536 100000 46796
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 24576 100000 22944
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1000000000 65536 100000 46796
This gives the best image and view in all of the mirrors and it also allows
you to tell how far you are away from the other car in the side and rear
(center) mirrors.
Please feel free to adjust any and all of these settings anyway you like. I
hope that this info helps make the sim better for you, it has for me. Don't
forget, before you begin, BACK UP THE NWENGLD.TXT FILE!
See you better on the track,
Tim 'Comet' Strother
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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