I sent an email full of questions to a rep at Papyrus. Here is the
official info on what we will have with this next NASCAR sim. The
numbered questions are the questions I asked and the answer is below
each one. I cant wait!!!
Name Clarification: NASCAR 2000 was actually only a working title to
distinguish it from the development project known as NASCAR 3. We
still have not finally decided what this title will be called. The
NASCAR title shipping this fall may still be called NASCAR 3, but it
will not contain the physics engine based on GPL.
1. You stated D3D will be supported, but will N2000 still be
compatible with the 3dfx and Rendition chipsets?
This year's "Papyrus NASCAR Racing" (PNR) will support
3dfx(Glide), Direct3D, and software modes. There will be no native
Rendition support.
2. Will fire be implemented in accidents?
3. When is the proposed release date of N2000 and N.L.?
Both will ship this Fall.
4. Will the sound be re-done?
Yes, the sound engine has been entirely reworked, and every sound
element is new. The sound engine will support DirectSound3D and A3D
2.0. The new car engine samples are extremely impressive.
5. Will force feedback be implemented?
6. Is smoke transparent? ...a complete remake from N2????
The smoke and dirt effects will be greatly enhanced for 3D hardware.
It will have transparency and it will hang in the air for the "wall
of smoke" effect with a big wreck.
7. Will there be 43 cars able to start a race?
8. Any new multiplayer features?
Free internet multiplayer via a matching server, as well as LAN based
TCP/IP and IPX will be supported.
9. What is new in the N2000 engine? What will be max screen
It will support 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480.
10. I have heard that we will hear more than one voice on the radio.
Any truth to that? Maybe a spotter and a crew chief?
11. Will the multiplayer be Windows based so a digital wheel can be
12. Whats the scoop on Nascar Legends? When can we expect it?
This fall, same timeframe, and same basic feature list.
13. Any idea of what the min requirements will be for both sims?
Will a 3d card be required?
A 3D card is not required, but most of the new graphics options won't
be supported without one.
14. Will the CTS and BGN series be in N2000?
Grand National tracks and cars will be included.
<<end of message>>
My comments: no mention of physics improvements, not a really big
suprise. I wonder if the improved dirt effects could be used to
simulate dirt-track racing?