F1GP and steering lock

Jack Frillm

F1GP and steering lock

by Jack Frillm » Tue, 23 Apr 1996 04:00:00

I just switched from using the keyboard to using a T2 wheel.

Damn, it got real squirley. It was so squirley that I had a very
difficult time keeping the car in a straight line.  At Brazil
when I make the slight left bend on the front straight I usually spin
off in to the cosmos.  So, I tried and adjusting the steering lock
to 8 from 12 degrees.  This helped.

Has anyone else experienced this or am I just loopy?

It is a shame that this adjustment can only be made globally and not
within the individual car setup modes.


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                          \ /
---------------------+    ( )                             +------------------
Jack Frillman        |   ^ "     Carrots are devine you   | LEXIS-NEXIS

(513) 865-6800       |     |/    it's magic!              | Dayton, Oh 45401
     EXT. 4812       |     |        -Bugs Bunny           |
---------------------+    / \                             +------------------
                          | /
                        --  --

Mike Manthe

F1GP and steering lock

by Mike Manthe » Wed, 24 Apr 1996 04:00:00

> I just switched from using the keyboard to using a T2 wheel.

> Damn, it got real squirley. It was so squirley that I had a very=============

This sounds like you have a joystick port that can't keep up with the
speed of your computer.
If your wheels seem to "twitch" when you slowly turn your wheel to full
left and right - it's a good sign you have a joystick port that can't
handle the speed.

You should have *much* better control-especially coming from KEYBOARD
input.   (ooohhhh, gives me the "willies")

Alan Pengel

F1GP and steering lock

by Alan Pengel » Sat, 27 Apr 1996 04:00:00

I had a similar problem to this with an old yoke I was using (sorry, can't remember
the name). However, I recently bought the CH Virtual Pilot yoke and haven't
had this problem since. The control response is really smooth, and although harder
(more realistic ) than the keyboard, it is more interesting. Yes, playing around with
the steering lock made a difference with the earlier yoke, but it never solved the


: I just switched from using the keyboard to using a T2 wheel.

: Damn, it got real squirley. It was so squirley that I had a very
: difficult time keeping the car in a straight line.  At Brazil
: when I make the slight left bend on the front straight I usually spin
: off in to the cosmos.  So, I tried and adjusting the steering lock
: to 8 from 12 degrees.  This helped.

: Has anyone else experienced this or am I just loopy?

: It is a shame that this adjustment can only be made globally and not
: within the individual car setup modes.

: --
:                          \   /
:                           \ /
: ---------------------+    ( )                             +------------------
: Jack Frillman        |   ^ "     Carrots are devine you   | LEXIS-NEXIS

: (513) 865-6800       |     |/    it's magic!              | Dayton, Oh 45401
:      EXT. 4812       |     |        -Bugs Bunny           |
: ---------------------+    / \                             +------------------
:                           | /
:                         --  --

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