Yup, sounds like an overheating problem if you can still hear the sound when
the video freezes. Especially given the fact it is running for a while
before locking up.
Stop overcloking anything that you are currently OCing, make sure you have
good airflow through the case and then try it. If all else fails, try the
previous idea, open your case and try a house fan pointed toward it. Those
AMD's (I luv 'em, dont get me wrong) run hot hot hot. Make sure you have the
heat sink on the CPU correctly and a fan attached properly as well.
I'm not familiar with the Radeon line, I uses GF's, but if the video card
just has a heat sink, you may want to try a cooling fan on it too.
> Are you overclocking any of your components? When I ran my AMD 1.2 at 1.4
> would get this. I believe it was a heat issue for me. I added a bigger
> and it stopped locking up. Then ambient temps went up with summer and the
> lockups came back, so I backed off to 1.33 and it's stable as a rock.
> Try taking off the case and pointing a big house fan at the computers
> If you can run a race in N4 like that, the computer's cooling system is
> suspect. AMD's do run kinda hot.
> --
> ============================
> elh4jj at hotmail <------------------
> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > Hi,
> > I developed a problem recently where about 5 minutes into N4 (D3D,
> Papy
> > patched version 4.1.1, 1024 x 768 - 16), it locks up, playing whatever
> sound
> > it stopped on, in a constant drone. It has happened during a race,
> practice
> > and replays. I have reinstalled and the same thing happens. I tried
> > reinstalling without the Papy patch and the same thing happens. I am
> > currently running the latest drivers on my:
> > Radeon DDR 64
> > Sound Blaster Live 5.1
> > Other specs are:
> > Athlon 1.2 gz
> > 512 ram
> > Win98SE
> > Thrustmaster Nascar Pro Digital Wheel
> > What's confusing is it works fine for a while, 50-60 fps with
> everything
> > on, menus, etc. Also, ALL other sims run fine: GPL, N Legends, N3, F1
> > 2000, F1CS2000, N Heat. I suppose one would say "just run the others"
> but
> > I would like to be way better at N4 and only get about 5 mins. in before
> > have to shut down and reboot. Would appreciates any comments and/or
> advice!
> > -Brian