Well-known professional racer Burton kf4jrg gurgled:
<<Nascar 2 works just fine on my machine. Maybe you need to take up
something else. You're definitely not a racer.
Burton kf4jrg>>
Burton (can't quite pronounce your last name) --
This is the best one yet. Do you actually think you're a "racer" because
you sit in front of a computer monitor and make vroom-vroom noises?
Sorry, pal -- you're so far into the outer limits I'm not at all
surprised you missed the point entirely.
I'm delighted NASCAR2 works fine on your machine. It patently does NOT
on MANY others. Now, unless Sierra/Papyrus is in business solely for
your benefit, the people for whom N1, N2, ICR, and/or ICRII has not and
does not work fine on THEIR machines have a legitimate gripe, and
Sierra/Pap has been demonstrably unresponsive to these paying customers.
Want to take a poll?
If someone has configured their computer incorrectly, obviously they
have to take responsibility for the consequences. Are you saying that
everyone who can't get one, any, or all of these sims to work on their
platform has ***ed up their system? Please say "yes" so I can sit
back and watch the fireworks.