Probably this reply is a bit late for anybody to see it, but just in
case anyone is still monitoring this thread, there is confirmation that
the wheel uses an optical sensor in a post at the Wingman Team
discussion board at, in the General
Discussion section. That is also a good place to go for any other
questions you have about the wheel. The development team monitors and
actively participates in the board, and I have always found them to be
very helpful and friendly.
> I think it has _potential_, but I need to see one in person to check
out the
> pedals, Logitech's long-time weak spot (including the expensive Momo).
> I heard a rumor that this one has optical pots, but I've been unable
> verify this.
> -Larry
> > i just saw one of thes at the stores this afternoon and wondered if
> has
> > bought one and can refer me to some reviews.
> >
> > they look and feel really good. and the price is good too, about
1/2 that
> of
> > the other momo, so i assume its just an upgraded LWFF gp.
> > what i liked from my brief look was the shifter, the *** wheel,
and the
> > pedals felt firmer. but i was wondering how it drives.