could help ( my opinion ) is midtown madness. If played in the cruise mode.
The driver will have to navigate city streets and encounter real life
situations such as stopping at traffic lights, dealing with on coming
traffic and not to mention some wacko tail gating. The list could go on.
Personally, I have my two ***s playing the game and driving the cars as
they would a real car. The real test will be in an actual car in a few
years. ugh!
As for racing sims... well, it does help autosim'ers learn a little about
oversteer , understeer, skiding ect. As for the downside, there are a number
of issues that worry me.
Flaming - and it's not only the kids but ***s as well. Why? Because they
were wrecked do to, in most cases, warp a bad setup or what ever the reason.
Some of these people blow a gasket and it turns into an all out war. How
will they act in the real world if someone cuts them off. Will they get out
of their car and start a fight? What if they are coming up on a slower car?
Will they punt them to the side? Could our kids be learning road rage by
playing these games? I hope not.
And the biggest worry I have is... SPEED. They, meaning kids and ***s
alike. Will hit speed of 200mph in a sim car. Will they try it with a real
car on a real road?? Well that's about all I'm going to say on this matter..
so.. as for auto sims helping are young drivers...maybe the basic mechanics,
but attitude is everything in the real world.
okay one more issue.. Rich was saying something about autosim's, pc's
causing eye problems. Believe him. I went through this very same problem.
After playing autosims.. mainly nascar racing. Playing this game put my eyes
under so much strain and stress to the point where I had a hard time moving
my eyes much further then the width of a monitor. My eyes dried out and were
very sensitive to light.. sort of getting the bug eye effect when in bright
light..ugh.. that really after a few months away from the game
all is well. A good thing to do after each race is stretch your eyes. get up
away from the pc and look out side and find the furthest away point and
follow its horizon for a few minutes.. sounds stupid but it will help in the
long run. Also there's and eye exercise my doc told me to do. Take a pen,
hold it arms length away and have your eyes focused on the pen and move the
pen left to right, up and down then bring it to your nose. Doing this a few
times will have stretch your eyes. Also looking in to a monitor (crt) is
like looking into your microwave.